Rails Roadmap 2025
1. Ruby Basics
Flutter Layout and Rendering
TODO: In this article, I’ll walk through how flutter rendering pipeline works by reading source code.
Relocate the Nix Store to An External Drive
I have an M1 base model Mac with 8GB RAM and 256GB storage, which means my disk space is very limited. My tech stack includes Flutter, Ruby on Rails, and both Mobile and Web development. When working on multiple projects simultaneously, the nix store can occupy 20–30GB, which is significant for my system.
Git - the Stupid Content Tracker
git - the stupid content tracker
Reading Notes: The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
1. What Is Shell
Learn PostgresSQL knowledge bit by bit according to this roadmap.
Nix Learning Roadmap
Nix can be used to make
reproducible development environemnts
, which means you can use any program packaged wit hnix while don’t have to install them permanently.
Ruby Gotchas
In this post I note down some of the Ruby’s tricks and magics which confuses me easily.
Rails Cookies Guide
What are Cookies?
Ruby Splat Operator
Futter Automation Testing: Appium
Ruby: When to Use 'require', 'load' or 'autoload'
Dart Gotchas!
Dart Pattern Matching
Dart Generator Functions
Flutter Roadmap 2024
Below is the roadmap for Flutter in 2024. Please cross-check what you have mastered and what are missing.
Flutter BLoc: From Zero to Hero
Reading Notes: Secrets of the Javascript Ninjia, 2nd Edition
Let me become a ninjia with greate Javascript skills.
Reading Notes: Metaprogramming Ruby 2, Second Edition
Rails & Redis
Ruby Exception Handling
Rails: Query Parameter vs Request Parameter
Mystery Resolved: The Ruby '===' (Case Equality) Operator
Rest-like API Framework: Grape
Ruby Load Path
Cookie, Session & Rails CSRF Protection
Rails HTTP Authentication
Rails Routing
Active Record Encryption
Next you can update your site name, avatar and other options using the _config.yml file in the root of your repository (shown below).
Hotwire - Turbo Frame
Rails render & respond_to Method
TODO: move respond_to
to another blog.
Css Roadmap 2025: Learn CSS by Tailwind
How to learn?
Absolute Path, Relative Path And Root Relative Path
In web-development, linking to another page, external stylesheet, javascript file, images are common practices. There are three ways to declare the file path.
Rails Learning Todos
1. Add Column / Index / Foreign Key / References to Table
Generating Active Record Migrations
HTML Custom Data Attributes
Action Controller Strong Parameters
It’s forbidden to use raw parameters of ActionController
for mass-assignment to Active Model
. Developers have to consciously choose which fields are allowed. This is a better security practice to help prevent accidentally allowing users to update sensitive model attributes.
You're up and running!
Next you can update your site name, avatar and other options using the _config.yml file in the root of your repository (shown below).