Absolute Path, Relative Path And Root Relative Path


In web-development, linking to another page, external stylesheet, javascript file, images are common practices. There are three ways to declare the file path.


  • Absolute Path - put the entire URL to the file. The avantage is easy to deal with. And this is the only way to link to files on another domain.

      <img  src="http://www.webdevbydoing.com/wp-content/uploads/beach.jpg">

    To ensure current page’s protocol is respected, prefix the path with //.

      <img  src="//www.webdevbydoing.com/wp-content/uploads/beach.jpg">
  • Relative Path - the path is relative to the current path. This provides advantage of transferrable code, like if the domain changes.

      // bean.jpg is in the same directory as current file
      <img  src="beach.jpg">
      // bean.jpg is in images directory which is in the same directory as current file
      <img  src="images/beach.jpg">
      // bean.jpg is in the parent directory
      <img  src="../beach.jpg">
  • Root Relative Path - always try to find the file relative to the root of the website by prefixing the path with /. It kind of enjoys advantages from above two.

      <img  src="/wp-content/uploads/beach.jpg">


Maybe this is tradition which originating in Unix file system, since it has some conventions to represent directory shortcut.


In .html and .js files.




Written on March 9, 2024