Dart Generator Functions


For a sequence of values, When you need to produce each of them on demand, consider using a generator function. Dart supports both synchronous and asynchronous generators.

On demand means generating next value when requested. The request action can refer to calling [Iterator.moveNext()](https://api.dart.dev/stable/3.4.4/dart-core/Iterator/moveNext.html) for synchronous geneartor, or consuming emitted values from stream by `await for` or `listen to`.


  • *sync: A generator with Iterable as output.
  • *async: A generator with Stream as output.
  • yield: Drop a value to the ouput tunnel. The function pauses execution at each “yield” until next value is requested. It’s like return, but does not teminate the function. Also the function automatically pauses at a yield statement while the steam subscription is paused (or iterator is not longer called moveNext()).
  • *yield: Delegate to another generator, which means current geneartor stops until the delegated one stop producing values.


  • One of good use case for Synchrnous Generators is to calculate a sequence of values which are computation-heavy. Due to generator’s laziness nature, we can do this in a memory-efficient manner.

      void main() {
          // Create an instance of the generator function
          Iterable<int> numbers = generateNumbers(5);
          // Iterate over the generated numbers and print them
          for (int number in numbers) {
      // A synchronous generator function that generates numbers from 0 to n-1
      Iterable<int> generateNumbers(int n) sync* {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
              yield i; // Pause and return the current value of i
  • Asynchrnous Generators enable use to wait during the process of delivering a value. It’s not that different from the synchrnous one. Remeber: The key takeaway is laziness.

      import 'dart:async';
      void main() async {
          // List of sensor IDs
          List<String> sensorIds = ['sensor1', 'sensor2', 'sensor3'];
          // Process data from all sensors
          await processSensorData(sensorIds);
      // Simulate a sensor data stream with temperature readings
      Stream<int> simulateSensorData(String sensorId) async* {
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
              await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)); // Simulate delay
              yield (20 + i); // Simulate a temperature reading
      Future<void> processSensorData(List<String> sensorIds) async {
          // Create a list of sensor data streams
          List<Stream<int>> streams = sensorIds.map(simulateSensorData).toList();
          // Merge all sensor data streams into a single stream
          Stream<int> mergedStream = StreamGroup.merge(streams);
          // Process each sensor reading as it arrives
          await for (int reading in mergedStream) {
              print('Received sensor reading: $reading');
              // Perform any necessary processing here




Written on June 19, 2024