Css Roadmap 2025: Learn CSS by Tailwind
How to learn?
Tailwind Playground can show “Generated CSS” from html snippet. A good tool to learn things under the hood.
Base Styles
- built on top of
- padding: px-1, pt-2.5
- margin: my-1, m-4, -mt-8
- space bwteen: space-x-4
- width: w-12, w-1/6
- min-width
- max-width
- height
- min-height
- max-height
- size
- aspect ratio
- container: a component for fixing an element’s width to the current breakpoint.
- columns: multi-column layout.
- break after
- break before
- break inside
- box decoration break
- box sizing: how the total width and height of an element is calculated.
- display: display box type of an element.
Flexbox & Grid
Spend some time per day to learn CSS basics.
- Normal Flow
- Syntax
- Selectors
- Type, class and ID selectors
- Attribute selectors
- Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
- Combinators
- Comments
- Colours
- Background
- Borders
- Margins
- Padding
- Height & width
- Box model
- Outline
- Text (alignment, decoration etc.)
- Fonts
- Icons
- Links
- Lists
- Tables
- Display, max-width
- Position
- Align
- Opacity
- Navigation bars
- Dropdowns
- Flexbox
- Grid
- Effects, transitions, animations
Written on March 12, 2024