Rails Learning Todos

1. Add Column / Index / Foreign Key / References to Table

  • add_column(table_name, column_name, type, **options): Adds a new column of specified type.

  • add_foreign_key(from_table, to_table, **options): Adds a foreign key constraint to one or more columns, which should be added first.

  • add_index(table_name, column_name, **options): Adds an index to one or more columns, which should be added first.

  • add_reference(table_name, ref_name, **options): Adds a references. It will: add a new column; add a foreign key constraint to that column; add index to that column with unique: false.


2. Routing: Namespace vs Scope

  • namespace(path, options = {}, &block) will
    1. prefix Uri and path with namespace;
    2. require the module containing the controller;
    3. expect the controller file locate at the namespace subfolder in the controller folder.
  • scope(*args) support more detail control over
    1. Uri prefix
    2. path prefix
    3. module of the controller and controller location.


3. How respond_to works?

The mime-type-specific methods like html, xml are dynamically generated on the fly, using Ruby’s method_missing method.


4. Active Record Query Interface

where method allows you to specifiy conditions to limit the records returned, as the WHERE-part of the SQL statement.

For where(*args), when the argument is an array, the first element should be the condition string and any additional arguments will replace ? in it.

Book.where("title = ? AND out_of_print = ?", params[:title], false)

This is to prevent SQL injection.


5. Range

A Range object represents a collection of values that are between given begin and end values.

Range can be constructed by ..(include end value), ...(exclude end value) or Range.new.

Any class implementing instance method <=> can be used to construct a range.

A range can be iterated over only if its elements implement instance method succ.


Written on March 3, 2024