Rest-like API Framework: Grape


Rails alone is of course capable of acting as an API-only application. But Grape did a better job, said my colleague.


Grape is designed to build Rack-compliant application that can run on Rack or on existing web application, like Rails.

To work with Rails, we mount Grape API entrance in the route.rb file. You may ask since Grape can do the API job alone, why bother to run it on a Rails application? My best guess is that this way will enable us to utilize many conventions that Rails provide, like the way to name and organize files and classes, other supportive Rails gems, etc.


Grape enable us to define API declaratively, with its own DSL. This bugs me a lot. Since a beginner, I thinks Ruby’s grammar is too flexible to comprehend. This is getting way worse when arrived at Grape.

E.g, for below code, how params are associated with each route?

class  Headers < Grape::API
	format :json
	namespace :headers do
		desc 'Returns a header value.'
		params do
			requires :key, type: String

		get ':key' do
			key = params[:key]
			{ key => headers[key] }

		desc 'Returns all headers.'
			get do

I guess Grape will smartly wrap params, desc and other configurations into next closest route. A formula like this:

Endpoint = Route + ParamsScope + ...

Check here for how to define Route.

And luckily, I have ChatGPT to explain code for me, which is very helpful.




Written on May 18, 2024